Now a days a new social curse named adolescent gang has emerged in our society with its alarming destructive scratches.Very often we can see the news of such gang groups and their terrorist activity in the newspapers.This terrifying scenery of teenaged terrorists is increasing all over Bangladesh specially in urban society and most remarkably in metro city life.What do we mean by adolescent gang? It refers some ill motivated organised groups of teenaged boys aiming to establish their dominance over all other teenaged boys through their heroic style of dress, movement and so on.They always want to see all teenaged boys obliged to them in all circumstances.If any one or any group express their unwillingness to abide by them they dont hesitate for a whole to enforce them violently.Even they can’t think of killing their opponents for a very trifle incident.According to a report published in a national daily about 45 gang groups currently exist only in the capital.There is much possibility of having more groups. What do the gang groups do? Mainly they want to show their supremacy among all . They maintain a strong unity among their group mates.They remain strongly committed to help each other at the time of danger of their any individual. They want to enjoy their random freedom without considering other’s consent or dissent..They believe whatever they do are right and so feel reluctance if anyone oppose them.The gang groups arrange dj parties occasionally.Most of the group members are smokers, drug addicted and help one another in doing their all illegal activities.They are very often found gossiping in a group at the evening or at their congenial time wearing fansy dress, holding smart mobile, iPhone in some particular places or in front of some buildings where teenaged girls or beautiful females reside in.Sometimes they are involved in eve-teasing in different styles in front of educational institutions. Then if they see some other group doing the same evil activity they begin to protect them feeling jealousy not feeling responsible to stop staking girls.In this way one group becomes rival to another group.Sometimes they arrange sport competition though basically they are not regular and real sport practicing. Subsequently they intentionally engage themselves into the conflict and collusions with others in case of their failure to show performance in field.Thus they creat violence in the name of arranging sports which creates a bad image of sports in the society.Some vital factors are responsible for rising gang culture.Lack of socialising,lack of proper life skill based education,acute shortage of play ground and open space, mobile addiction,drug addiction,improper parenting,family crisis are the most notable causes of this crime.

To prevent this newly appeared social evil phenomenon the proper psychological development of adolescent must be ensured. Sufficient playground, sportive and cultural opportunities have to be provided. In place of keeping the teenaged confined into houses and screen they must be allowed to enjoy regular physical exercise such as football,crickets,swimming, and some other sportive activities in the open fields.. Academic education system must be modified. Regular participation of teenaged learners in sports and culture must be ensured in educational institutions Parents should be more cautious of their children’s movement and activities. They should spend more time for their children.Drug paddling must be banned. Family crisis should be minimised.Moral education must be ensured for the learners.Idle brain is a devil workshop.During this corona pandemic being out of their educational institutions and their regular activities related education the teenaged have been suffering from various psychological crisis.Also for this reason they are being involved in social gangs.
We all should think about this matter seriously and take necessary steps to prevent this gang culture . Otherwise our future generation wiil be definitely endangered to a greater extent.
Writer : Muhammad Masum Khan
Education and humanitarian activist
Central Member,Shadhinota Shikkhok Parishad.