আপডেট: মে ২৭, ২০২১
,,,,,…………..Muhammad Masum Khan
The Palestine problem is the most chronic and complex problem in the world. I have been seeing Palestinians crying since I was a child. Palestinians are dying from bombs, their homes are on fire. Protesting Palestinian children, teenagers, are throwing stones. Meanwhile, Israel calls the Palestinians terrorists. Still watching that same scene. But why? This problem, who is responsible for this problem? In simple words, the British are mainly responsible for this problem. The British divided the year of India, divided Bengal, divided Kashmir, divided Punjab. After the defeat of the Muslim Ottoman Empire in 1917, Palestine was annexed by the British from Turkey. Prior to that, Palestine was part of the anti-British coalition during World War I. The British occupied Palestine and promised to make the region an independent state. As the majority population, the Palestinians were naturally very happy. But it was a big deception of the British. Jewish scientist for the British in the 1st World War. Hayes Byzmann made phosphorus, a rare bomb-making material. When the British government wanted to give him a gift, the scientist wanted a piece of land in Palestine for the Jewish people. As a result, from 1918 onwards, the British began implementing the agenda of establishing a Jewish state in Palestine. Long before that, in 1897, the Jews began to think of forming a separate state for them. Palestine was a very sacred and emotional place for the Jews as it was the birthplace of David and the abode of Moses. As a result, the Jews considered Palestine to be the home of their forefathers because the followers of David and Moses were later known as Jews. In Palestine, including the Ottoman era, Jews have always lived peacefully with Muslims in small numbers. After the massacre of a large number of Jews by Hitler in World War I in 1920 and World War II in 1939-45, the British relocated them to Palestine. Meanwhile, in 1923, the British formed various terrorist forces called Haganah, Ignun, and Stan Gang to form the Jewish state. These forces played an active role in the formation of a separate state for the Jews and started a war with the Palestinian Arab Muslims. In 1930, the British government brought large numbers of Jews from various parts of Poland and Europe to Palestine. Relations with Palestinian Muslims continue to deteriorate due to the onslaught of various pro-Jewish pro-independence forces. Meanwhile, with the help of the British, the Jews gradually began to buy Palestinian land, increase their population, and expand their dominance very quickly. As a result, the Palestinians gradually became protesters. But under British rule, their protest did little. In 1948, in the minds of the British, the Jews demanded a separate state called Israel at the United Nations. The United Nations decided to divide Palestine into two separate states with 45% of the land and 55% of Israel. This led to the birth of the state of Israel on 14 May 1948. Declares Jerusalem an international city. But the Palestinians did not accept the UN declaration. Claiming the whole of Palestine as their state, they started fighting for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state. The Arab countries initially fought on the side of the Palestinians against the Jews, but later did not side with the Palestinians in their own business, diplomatic interests. Instead, neighboring Egypt, Jordan, and Lebanon have played with Palestinians like themselves. In 1967, Israel fought the Palestinians and occupied the West Bank and Gaza Strip, a UN-designated Palestinian territory. Occupying has now reached a point where Palestine has become a besieged area surrounded by Israel. The Palestinian people are living in extreme insecurity. Extreme injustice and inhumane treatment is being meted out to the Palestinians. The Palestinians, meanwhile, have become increasingly aggressive in the face of prolonged persecution, forcing them to either kill or kill the Israelis. So they are fighting against the Israelis even within their own limitations. But this is what the Americans are claiming to be a terrorist attack. Resolving the Palestinian problem has become the responsibility of all the countries of this civilized world. It is not a community or religious issue. It is a matter of justice, fairness and humanity and civilization. It is now the responsibility of the world to liberate the world from the conflict that the British have created. The human world cannot be defeated by the historical machinations of the British, the selfishness and partisanship of the Americans. There is no denying that the state of Israel is gone anyway. But not by depriving the Palestinians. The two sides need to come forward to build normal relations between the two countries. Palestine is a very sacred and emotional place for people of all faiths, including Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Nazarene, and the heavenly Book. Just as Jesus was born in Palestine, the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Palestine was the first place of worship for Muslims. Solomon ruled the kingdom from Palestine. Palestine, including present-day Jerusalem, Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank Valley, is a sacred place associated with the memory of countless prophets.
Palestine can be a unique example of world peace. Killing people by discriminating between religions cannot be the teaching of any religion. The truth has not been uprooted by everyone. I urge the five members of the Security Council and the United Nations to take immediate action against the perpetrators of this horrific Corona epidemic, which has claimed the lives of nearly half a million people worldwide. No one knows how many more will be killed. No powerful state in the world, technology could not defeat e corona. Corona religion has taken the lives of all people irrespective of caste. No matter what country we belong to, no matter what our religion, we are all human beings, all children of the same Adam sent by the same Creator. What is the value of this civilized world if the world cannot solve the problems of Israel and the Palestinians? Then that dark, illiterate, underdeveloped, feudal, nomadic world was good! Corona has taught us that death and humanity have no religion, no country. One world, one creator, one child of the same father, come out of the destructive culture of difference, division, build a free, independent, peaceful and humane world for all.
Writer : Muhammad Masum Khan
Education and human rights activists