১৭ই ফেব্রুয়ারি, ২০২৫ খ্রিস্টাব্দ, সোমবার


Publication of JnU Teacher in the American Journal “Chemical Reviews

আপডেট: এপ্রিল ২৬, ২০২১

  • ফেইসবুক শেয়ার করুন


Md Towsif-ur-RahmanJ,nU Correspondent: An article by Jagadish Chandra Sarkar, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Jagannath University (JnU), has been published in the American Chemical Society’s (ACS) highest impact factor journal, Chemical Reviews.

On 13 April 2021, Assistant Professor Jagadish Chandra Sarkar(Department of Chemistry, Jagannath University) and Professor Graeme Hogarth(Department of Chemistry, King’s College London) together published an article titled “Dithiocarbamate Complexs as Single Source Precursors to Nanoscale Binary, Ternary and Quaternary Metal Sulfide.”

This article connects molecular and materials chemistry where metal sulfide nanomaterials are made from dithycarbamate compounds and diethycarbamate is the sole reactant.

Note that ACS (published since 1924) is publishing their most popular, most widely circulated journal, Chemical Review. As the first Bangladeshi chemist, Jagadish Chandra Sarkar published an article in ACS Journal Chemical Reviews (Impact Factor 52.758).

In addition, at the 7th Nobel Laureate Meeting in Germany in 2016, this young scientist from Bangladesh got a chance to exchange views with 30 Nobel laureates for a week. Originally from the Nobek Laureate meeting, this young scientist was inspired by his high-impact research.

In this regard, Jagadish Chandra Sarkar said, “I am very happy that I am the first Bangladeshi chemist to have my article published in such a high impact factor journal. When I went to the 7th Nobel Laureate Meeting in Germany, after a week of intensive discussions with 30 Nobel laureate scientists, I became very ambitious about my research. But I never thought success would come so fast.”

Addressing young researchers, he said, “It does not cost much to do research on this subject, so young researchers and those who do not have enough money to do research can do research on this subject at low cost.”

Congratulating him on his success, the Vice-Chancellor(Acting) of the University Professor. Kamaluddin Ahmed said, “Our university is proud that his article has been published in Chemical Reviews.” The published article will further enhance the reputation of Jagannath University in the court of the world.

  • ফেইসবুক শেয়ার করুন
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